Using the information below, choose the correct answer to the closest 3 significant figures. For questions 1 through 5, assume plane stress. For questions 6 through 10, assume plane strain.


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Assume plane stress:
The principal strain one is

Assume plane stress:
The principal strain three is

Assume plane stress:
The factor of safety to avoid yielding using maximum shear stress theory is

Assume plane stress:
The factor of safety to avoid yielding using maximum octahedral shear stress theory is

Assume plane stress:
The critical crack length in Mode I is

Assume plane strain:
The principal stress three is

Assume plane strain
The principal strain one is

Assume plain strain:
The factor of safety to avoid yielding using maximum shear stress theory is

Assume plane strain:
The von-Mises stress is

Assume plane strain:
The factor of safety to avoid yielding using maximum octahedral shear stress theory is

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