8.2 Mohr Circle for Stress

For each of the questions below, choose the correct answer.


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Cube 1  is associated with the

Cube 2  is associated with the

Cube 3  is associated with the


V and H refer to the vertical and horizontal plane, respectively in circle G. The principal angle 1 is

V and H refer to the vertical and horizontal plane, respectively in circle H. The principal angle 1 is

V and H refer to the vertical and horizontal plane, respectively in circle I. The principal angle 1 is


Cube 4 is associated with Mohr’s

Cube 5 is associated with Mohr’s

The coordinates of the center of the Mohr’s circle corresponding to cube 4 (or cube 5) is

The radius of the Mohr’s circle corresponding to cube 4 (or cube 5) is

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