9.1 Strain Transformation by Mohr Circle Choose the best answer in the questions below. Name Email The state of strain is associated with the Mohr's Circle A Circle B Circle C Circle D Circle E Circle F None The state of strain is associated with the Mohr's Circle A Circle B Circle C Circle D Circle E Circle F None The state of strain is associated with the Mohr's Circle A Circle B Circle C Circle D Circle E Circle F None The principal angle 1 calculated from circle G is 70 degrees CCW 20 degrees CCW 70 degrees CW 20 degrees CW 40 degrees CW None of the above. None The principal angle 1 calculated from circle H is 70 degrees CCW 20 degrees CCW 70 degrees CW 20 degrees CW 40 degrees CW None of the above. None The principal angle 1 calculated from circle I is 70 degrees CCW 20 degrees CCW 70 degrees CW 20 degrees CW 40 degrees CW None of the above. None Cube 1 is associated with Mohr’s Circle J Circle K Circle L Circle M None of the above. None Cube 2 is associated with Mohr’s Circle J Circle K Circle L Circle M None of the above None Cube 3 is associated with Mohr’s Circle J Circle K Circle C Circle M None of the above None Circle G is in plain strain with principal strains 1 and 2 as 1200 and 200 micro, respectively. The maximum shear strain is 1000 micro 500 micro 1200 micro 600 micro None of the above None Do you have any comments or suggestions? Please send them to author@madhuvable.org Time's up