Student Feedback

Below are some responses from the students to the question “What did you like or did not like about the self tests?”

“The tests helped reinforce concepts from each chapter because they required me to carefully re-read corresponding passages from the book (especially T/F tests). It also helped that I was able to retake them and learn by trying to find my mistakes.”

” I really liked the self tests because they were a no-pressure way to refresh basic principles. Here is what I noticed: The quizzes can be retaken as many times as students want to in order to get 10/10. I appreciate this because I can focus on learning the material without having to worry about losing points;The true/false quizzes were short. This made them a nice supplement to lectures; The true/false conceptual questions were a great reminder of basic principles you went over in class; The multiple choice questions were tedious because they took longer but were still useful; In summary, I found these quizzes useful because they refreshed in my mind core principles you were teaching.”

“I liked that they gave a good way to review the materials after each homework. Also were a decent way to review before exams.”

“First and foremost, the instant feedback and accessibility of the simple answers is very useful, because it allowed me to figure out what I was doing wrong on any True/False questions within minutes and where to look for help on any any calculation-type problems. On some of the calculation-type problems, the answers given after submission were not very specific/helpful.”

“The self tests were good measures of whether or not I had fully understood the current topics that were being covered. They were never too hard, and had good general coverage of topics.”

“They were good example problems to help get ready for the tests as well as the homework assignments.”

“They are a good way to study.”

“They gave a good view about what is important in each chapter. A good overview.”

“They enable students to understand the concepts without getting mired down in the math.”